Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pray for us, Lord

Do you ever pray
For us, Lord?
Not the “We’re praying for you”
But never get around to it prayers;
Not the “Here’s the laundry list of things I want you to do for me” prayers;
Not the “Please forgive me
For what I am going to keep doing” prayers;
Not the full of more words than thoughts,
Get it done quickly prayers.

We want to know if you ever offer
The down on your knees,
Blood sweating,
Tear producing,
Guttural uttering,
Too deep for words

In the midst of our
My kingdom come,
My will be done,
Give me more than my daily bread
Do you at least try
To get our attention
Away from ourselves?

When we Hollow your kingdom
By hallowing our freedom,
And we ask your forgiveness
For us,
And your vengeance
For others,
Do you enter into your
Quiet place to light a candle
With the hope that
We will see its light?

If only, Lord,
We trusted in your power,
And dreamed of your glory
More than our own,
Perhaps we would hear
You praying for us:

Just like when you prayed for Abraham
And the lamb appeared in the thicket,
Or when you prayed for Moses
And the burning bush refused to wilt,
Or when you prayed for Jesus
And the cross emptied,
The stone rolled,
The angels sang,
And the night was turned to day.

Pray for us, Lord.
Take the chance that we
Might somehow begin to listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing with us